Some advice is good for leaders or organization’s, but not for everyone else. This is an example.
Many people are really good at something so they open a business doing that. Then they build the business on their own output, and they get stuck in it, working harder and longer.
If you are really good at it, you should stop doing it and teach others to do it well. Teaching IS part of the leadership job.
Sometimes you are capable of doing it really well but you aren’t doing it really well because you don’t have enough time – so you do it half-assed.
Doing the thing you are good at takes your time away from doing the leadership job you should be doing that nobody else will – positioning your company and team building. That job, done with intention even as an amateur, will take your company farther and faster than you being the expert at a job/task every day.
What do you keep doing that you’re really good at?
To many things… and it got me nowhere! Changing who I am and who I need to be is the real hard work for me
Very true! There’s a big difference between doing and leading.
I have been really good at solving problems, I have not been teaching other people due to the fear of not having enough money to pay them. All of these years of just spinning my wheels could have been avoided had I perused the need for a mentor. Someone who had the self confidence and time to guide my energy. I agree with this statement. Nd also state,Leadership needs to be cultivated in more people.