Long-term planning

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

You have to have an ideal – a vision of what you want to be when you “grow up”.

But detailed planning for longer than three years often doesn’t make sense because there are so many assumptions you make that are wrong, and so many changes will happen along the way that the plan is out the window.

Mid-term planning, like one and three-year plans are what I like.  The closer plans have more detail because we can know and control what is going on.  

(A one-year plan becomes a six-month plan in six months.  We like to plan, but new information – new decisions.)

Then I take the one and three-year plans and break them down to detailed initiatives for the next 8-12 weeks (what do we have to do right now?) 

How do you plan for the growth of your business?

keith hart

This is a Good Morning Video that is inspired from Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood Rhttps://m.youtube.com/watchv=f3FoMegk7xg

keith hart

I don’t think the link works but if your a Mister Rogers fan it’s worth looking up
“It’s a good feeling” JJ Heller’s live version video on you tube. There is Life before death!

Bill Anderson

“Begin with the end in mind”
I plan everything this way. 2-5 years, 1 year, 6 months goals etc. This process keeps me excited and engaged in the “Now” and directs my weekly and daily activities.

David and Joanne Starrett

Well, I always said that I wanted to ride a Harley when I grew up. That became maybe after the kids get out of College. Now that I am 60, and the home is empty, I just want a good enduro. Looking at a DRZ 400.

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