Training only when there is a crisis

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Do you train your people only to “straighten things out”?  If so, your people will have a Pavlovian response of dreading training because it only means we messed up, things aren’t right, and we’re in trouble.

If you train your people when there is no problem at all, they will take it, accept it, and participate in it differently.


Bob Ligmanowski

Woooo….that makes sense! Thanks for the tip Larry! Bet it’s beautiful in CT with the leaves changing..Chicagoland just starting:)


So true


I agree with this one hundred percent. I like having to go to training sessions when its something new that they want to teach me, or if there’s a change to the process we are currently performing. Having to go to training to “straighten things out” is never a good thing. Keeping staff in the know at all times is the correct road to take in this situation. Thank you.

Matt Warner

Great point! Coach and lead in perpetuity.

Mike Mitchell

Training is critical. Navy seals say that one (or a team) doesn’t rise to the occasion, rather they sink to their level of training. Train Hard – prepare to win!

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