
Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Delegation is when you give someone some of YOUR work to do.  This helps to make your job smaller.  But, you have to be careful not to abdicate – “here, you do this from now on”.  Tell them the purpose of the task and why it is important, the desired result, the tools and resources available, and the time frames.  Set expectations and ask questions.  

Allow them to do it differently than you so long as they get the desired result.  That’s how things get better in your company – by allowing others to bring their creativity and abilities to the job.  As much as we like to think we are the best at doing something, we know that is not true. 

Leaders grow and get unstuck by making their jobs smaller so they can focus on the future and higher-value activities.   

Ray McKelvey

Great advice. Makes people and organizations better.

Matt Stevenson

Hi Larry ! I delegated , abdicated and allocated so far this week and really thought about the difference

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