It’s simple. That which you fix your mind on you will attract in life. Don’t argue. You don’t even have to agree – but that’s how it works. So you may as well embrace it.
So how do we use this? First, we need to STOP thinking and dwelling on what we don’t want – because we are attracting it!
Next, we need to think about what we DO want. We need to get clarity, envision the details, and spend time with it. Then we need to keep those ideas and visions of what we want in front of us every day. (I put post-it notes on my bathroom mirror so I see them first thing in the morning and last thing at night!)
When we keep it in front of our mind, we find ourselves thinking about it, and doing things that take us toward it.
We create outcomes in our minds first, keep them there, and they come true in reality.
What are you thinking about?