“All great works of art are never finished – only abandoned.” – Leonardo DaVinci
Could we have done better on that project? Yes, but maybe we decided it was good enough.
Could we have built that with a better design? Yes, but we decided it wasn’t important to us.
Could we have organized that room in a graceful elegant way? Yes, but we decided it wasn’t worth the time because we wanted to do something else instead.
Leonardo reminds us that we can always do better; we have the ability if we wanted to. Leonardo had so many unfinished projects himself.
There are lots of ways to spend our time. It’s a question of prioritization. Choice. What will you make important and focus your time and talent and resourcefulness on to make great?
I’ve had a perspective each and every time of created a work of art. That I look at it as if it’s sonething I want to look at forever and it would be in my home. As if it is the only example of my work by which others might view and decide to hire me based on that one piece. Yeah, sometimes I make myself a little crazy but that perspective has served me well.
Thank you
Thank you for this…a great inspiration that I much needed 🙂
Prioritizing can be challenging! So many things I want to do.