“Every time you talk to someone, you leave them bigger or smaller, the choice is yours.” – Mark Robertson
If people feel good when they walk away from you, you are a popular person.
Helping people believe in themselves, feel good about themselves and what they are doing, enjoy what they are doing, and feel supported is how we build our people. Doing the opposite is beating them up and making withdrawals, and it’s only a matter of time when disengaged people stop showing up.
Do you help people feel bigger?
Good Morning Larry! I try and do this EVERY time I speak with someone or they ask me for help or advice. I believe you get what you put out and that is what I try to do!
Have a great day!
“Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.”
― Marvin J. Ashton