If you can’t compete with the big dogs, find a niche you can own. The smaller it is, the less interesting it will be to the bigs, and the less room for copycats.
Laura Gallinoto
7 years ago
Simple but powerful. Thank you for sharing your daily thoughts, Larry. It does make a difference!
Bob Ligmanowski
7 years ago
oh….” Inner Victory” is another favorite track of mine . (I believe track 6 )
” INVICTUS”!! Everyone should own this CD!
7 years ago
I do,and Masterpiece, thanks to Larry’s big heart. Invictus was the first cd I listened to right after the Think Daily Live Semminar and I was shaken to the bone. How can someone think to create this form of support? Thank you to all who helped in making it come through to us, the listeners, especially to Jessie who I had the priviledge to sit with at lunch.
Simple but powerful. Thank you for sharing your daily thoughts, Larry. It does make a difference!
oh….” Inner Victory” is another favorite track of mine . (I believe track 6 )
” INVICTUS”!! Everyone should own this CD!
I do,and Masterpiece, thanks to Larry’s big heart. Invictus was the first cd I listened to right after the Think Daily Live Semminar and I was shaken to the bone. How can someone think to create this form of support? Thank you to all who helped in making it come through to us, the listeners, especially to Jessie who I had the priviledge to sit with at lunch.