"I know you've got a million things going on…"

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Some people acknowledge that I am very busy and as they ask for a few minutes of my time they say, “I know you have a million things going on…”

Well, I guess it’s true I am busy, but not like they think. I’m not unavailable at times because I have “a million things going on,” like I am flitting about from one task to the other, trying to survive on hyper-efficiency. It’s not like that at all.

Instead, I am focused. Focused on my highest priority for the day – my project, my key task, my legacy activity – the one that will make a difference into the future. I am disciplined about getting on it and NOT being distracted. It’s not a million things – it’s a small number of very important but not urgent ones.

Focus, and defend yourself against distractions for as big a chunk of your day as necessary to get the highest value activities done.

Vince Santilli

Great thought Larry as today is a day that I need to be focused on our 2017 Step Up for the Brave and I hope you received my e-mail on it earlier this week. I greatly enjoyed the article in today’s CT Post on the history and evolution of your remarkable business. I will be sharing it with my son Thomas who is an entrepreneurship major at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia.

Sharon leichsenring

You know it’s funny Larry, I sometimes I think that I have to steal the time away for certain things that are on the top of my to do things.
I’m going to try to think instead if them as legacy activities. I like the term and it takes that shading of negativity I’ve let get in the way sometimes.
Thanks and btw, great article about the new building and you in today’s newspaper.

Robert Videon

I wanted to shout out and say I have enjoyed the invictus audio. It is encouraging, fun to listen to, motivating, packed full of wisdom and it good quality music.

Bob Ligmanowski

Robert….. I second that! “Invictus” just rebooted my thinking and put me back on track after a bad day yesterday and this AM. Thank You Larry !


Hi Larry! Any word on a possible seminar at your place that you mentioned a few month ago?
Thanks, and as always Think Daily is greatly enjoyed.

Doug Lacey

Hey Larry “Invictus” is more. It motivated me to re listen to “Masterpiece”. Both have inspired me for more. I just Re-Read “The Highest Calling” and would say more than ever, You are bringing the book to life or maybe CY to life, with School of Entrepreneurship Live and In Person and then the school online. You are amazing and thank-you for being in my life.

Syd Litteken

Me every day !!!

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