Getting Hacked

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

I don’t mean your computer – I mean YOU.

We have five senses.  Which one do we take the most information in with?  Our eyes, right?  Which one is next? Our ears.  

So when we tune into the radio or TV (video or audio), and it is someone else’s choice to show us what they want (literally their “program”), we have opened up our firewall and allowed ourselves to be hacked.

We then are influenced by this program.  We think about it and talk about it to others and feel that this is the way the (our) world is.  

Don’t get hacked.  Control your own programming.

Eric Gibson

This is powerful and so true! The quote on my heart now is right along the same lines: “be not conformed to the patterns (programs) of this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.” Also in order to be the person we have never been, we must do things we have never done, train our eyes and ears on new programming and say things we have never said before.

Craig Canella

Very true. I do not listen to TV. I do not read the Newspaper. I pick and choose what I digest on my computer at work or my phone… now. Most opinions are just that. And they are diluted, tainted, or have biased presentation. I do watch TV sometimes….but no sound. I make my own observations based on what my eyes are telling my brain. After all…..our eyes are the strongest sense of all of them. Your morning emails are very welcome. And most make my mind start turning with that first cup of coffee. Thank you.


Touching and feeling, a simple shake of hands is enough to create a bond with a stranger and enable a connection with that person where personal magnetic fields blend and affect each other. Touch is a powerful tool that heals a person, that is why as a child I was deeply influenced by a kind physical therapist lady friend of my mom who tought me yoga and gave me back massages to help me correct my posture and


Release stress. It felt soo good to be massaged that I decided to become a massage therapist to help others feel better. I never completed any training because I found out my joints and bones are not strong enough for this kind of full time profession but to this day I gldly do my best to help someone feel better and release some stress and tension.


Many people look at me funny when I tell them it is a form of therapy and recalibrating an already existing programming but as with many other things we have to live it and feel it to trully understand it for ourselves. Our intentions through touch have a way of rubbing of on the other person. Be mindful of your own power because it can heal or destroy and the choice is yours.

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