Friends of the new you

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

If you were going to throw your life away and turn to crime, you’d get some new shady friends who accepted you as a criminal, right?

Well, what about when you want to change to be a higher version of yourself? Some friends will be happy for us. But it may be possible that we have friends who don’t like the idea that we are getting better and spending our time in different ways. Those are friends you’ll have to leave behind.

When given a choice to be our best selves or staying a lesser version to make others happy, the choice is clear. Don’t you think?


David Mascoli


Mike Mitchell

I am thankful that I have many good friends. I am of the belief that friendships are intentional and do my best to keep up my end of the bargain as well. Part of this is being open to new friendships where someone may be intentionally seeking you out to help them on their journey.

Pedro E. Wasmer

Absolutely right! Having good friends and honest, open relationships is a real plus in anyone’s life.

Successful person

Yeah, I completely agree! If a friend isn’t cutting it in our relationship, and isn’t getting me where I need to go, I drop them like a sack of potatoes and find a better person to fill their place.
Life is all about being happy and using the right people to achieve the goals in my life. I can’t possibly focus any attention on people who I perceive as lower than me, or even worse, less motivated than me. That would slow down my progress in life. Sad!


What if there were no labels (friend, mother, brother, cab driver, CEO, criminal). What if… we were all just people… there would be no hierarchy, because after all don’t we all just want companionship, don’t we all just want to know we are worthy?

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