“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is the power to choose our response. In our response lies our greatest growth and freedom.” – Victor Frankl
It’s not so much what happens to us that shapes our lives and results, it’s how we choose to respond to what happens that matters more.
No matter what happens, we can decide to accept it, lash out, love it, hate it, carry it, dismiss it, make it mean this or that, learn from it, or forgive it. And it’s never too late to change our response to something that already happened that we have already responded to a different way.
How have you shaped your life with your responses?
Larry I love this It is so life giving.Thanks
Stimulus Belief Response Using this process allows me to move into a more comfortable place Great post Larry thanks and have a great dat
I heard them from Franklin Covey CD when I was in college and I it has stuck with me since. What a difference this can make!