Time slipping away….

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Because we were born, we know we will die.  We only have this time – this life – these days and hours.

Are we making them count?  Are we using them to their fullest in our development to realize our potential and make a meaningful contribution?  Or are we letting it slip away, unused; that time never to return again?

Mike Mitchell

Unlike money and other resources, we all have the same amount of time and none of us are guaranteed any specific amount of it. I think of this concept often, and it really helps me focus on my priorities and where I want to use this precious resource.

Thank you for the “Think Daily” messages each day. I look forward to seeing them each morning!

Pat Schneider

Very wise words. Each day, we should take time to reflect if we’re making a difference and stretching to be all we can be.


Friendships are one of the most important aspects of the world. Let us say thank you and cherish the special connections we have going on with other humans because we need each others existence to make it through the journey called life. I am happy for those few special souls who stick with me through time and challenges. I love you and I thank you for the support and for making me laugh out loud.

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