If there is friction or resistance in your life, you could use lots of energy each day to overcome it – OR, you could remove the friction.
Is it your thinking? The beliefs you created from the story you are telling yourself? A person? Your fitness level?
When you remove the friction, it will be easier to move forward each day without it.
What friction do you need to get rid of?
Every day you send us something to think about , however today hits a mark for me.
My favorite month is September too! The weather is usually perfect, leaves starting to turn, football starts, busy with gardening, we have our wedding anniversary! It’s a great month, my second favorite is October. Have a great day Larry!
Step back and consider for a moment how small you are in the universe.Why do you think you are so important? Who are you, really? Ponder these questions and perhaps some of the friction in your life will melt away. Favorite month is April in the Carolinas when the dogwoods and azaleas signal a new beginning.
My favorite is April ! Gardens are starting to come alive, spring cleaning starts for a lot of reasons and summer is on the way. Kind of a new start 🙂 I do like October for the fall colors and cool weather( but with winter following I’ll never admit it 🙂
Sometimes friction can make you a well rounded thinker. Just think if you did not have it you would not know if your moving forward. I become suspicoius if the road is so smooth without any bumps. Friction could be a good thing i believe somtimes “it does make heat”