Spend only 90% of your gross revenue in the operation of your enterprise.
Is it that simple?
Of course.
Jeff Nero
9 years ago
Greetings from NJ! I truly enjoy pondering both of your Think Daily for business owners as well as salespeople emails every morning. It’s great to be able to look at the same coin from both sides in order to think outside the box to look for improvement. As a representative of the Q1st and having known you since the beginning- we appreciate the shoutout! #keepgrowing
Greetings from NJ! I truly enjoy pondering both of your Think Daily for business owners as well as salespeople emails every morning. It’s great to be able to look at the same coin from both sides in order to think outside the box to look for improvement. As a representative of the Q1st and having known you since the beginning- we appreciate the shoutout! #keepgrowing