When you have to fire someone, is that what you intended or hoped for when you hired them?
Hire carefully, so hopefully, you never have to fire someone.
Daniel Weise
9 years ago
Another think daily written just for me (it seems). Thank you Larry.
Pete Burgess
9 years ago
Larry, we just had to fire my longest active employee. He and his crew were my “master” crawlspace crew in the mountains, but for some reason their work got sloppy, so we had to let them go. I know what it is like to get “burned out” on crawlspaces, so I suspect that is what happened to them. Tough to have to do that to old friends, but I may have done them a favor so they could re-energize themselves in some new work.
Steve Shinn
9 years ago
Hi Larry, I will be firing my original project manager of ten years next Monday morning. I look at him now and think that I would never hire him today. I wish I had hired better then or let him go much sooner.
Another think daily written just for me (it seems). Thank you Larry.
Larry, we just had to fire my longest active employee. He and his crew were my “master” crawlspace crew in the mountains, but for some reason their work got sloppy, so we had to let them go. I know what it is like to get “burned out” on crawlspaces, so I suspect that is what happened to them. Tough to have to do that to old friends, but I may have done them a favor so they could re-energize themselves in some new work.
Hi Larry, I will be firing my original project manager of ten years next Monday morning. I look at him now and think that I would never hire him today. I wish I had hired better then or let him go much sooner.