If there is something we haven’t worked to fix or change, or something we caused by our actions, thinking or habits, we use “I guess it’s just our fate” as an excuse.
Fate is created. There is always a choice – even if it’s just our attitude.
bob brown
9 years ago
Fate is a Greek concept that has percolated up through present day thinking. the “Fates” were 3 sisters that knitted or wove a tapestry of human events that once woven could not be changed. because of Greek influence on our society and culture, we rarely question it….. “everything happens for a reason” instead of taking responsibility for our own actions.
Fate is a Greek concept that has percolated up through present day thinking. the “Fates” were 3 sisters that knitted or wove a tapestry of human events that once woven could not be changed. because of Greek influence on our society and culture, we rarely question it….. “everything happens for a reason” instead of taking responsibility for our own actions.