Recently I heard an opinion that it was the other way around – success leads to self esteem. That makes some sense of course. So does the idea that if you feel good about yourself you are more likely to pursue and achieve goals.
But is there a key ingredient for success besides having a desire in the first place? I think there is. It’s called self-control. If we can’t discipline ourselves to do what must be done, not do what should not be done regardless of our impulses, and stick with it through the tough times, we won’t get there.
Are you in control of yourself?
I think this leads us back to the prayer on the wall in so many homes.
“God grant me the strength to change what I can, the serenity to accept what I can’t and the wisdom to know the difference.”
Have a great day.
It all truly begins when we loose the word “self” and look for the greater purpose which is found outside of “self” and in the service of others. You’re on the right track my friend.