Everyday is precious

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

I told you to make your bed, but you didn’t.

I told you to get good grades, but you didn’t.

I told you to take the trash out, but you didn’t.

I told you to listen when I said not to bring any pets home, but you didn’t.

I told you to save for a better car, and to hold off buying that one, but you didn’t.

I told you we’d go on that trip when you returned from Iraq…but you didn’t.

Bob Ligmanowski

that hurt! ill do something about that today! thanks for reminding 😉

Donna Janesky

This reminds me about meeting a former co-worker and promising to have lunch “someday”and talk about old times. I thought about calling her, and “stuff” always seemed to get in the way. Weeks passed, months passed, and I still remembered from time to time.
Then I read her obituary in the paper.
I went to the funeral home, and so wished I had made the effort to arrange the lunch we never had. Yes, every day is precious.

Howard Tatge

Very moving! It’s so true that I’ve said the same thing and then it’s to late. Every day is so precious, because tomorrow may never come for some of us. Thanks for the reminder.


great reminder of what really matters and don’t sweat the small stuff. THanks.


Always leave home saying; “I love you” and Never go to bed mad. The last memory of your loved ones will be the words; “I love you!”

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