More incomes per house

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Remember “The Waltons”?  Three generations living together. Today it seems the number of people in each household is getting smaller.  A single income must support the mortgage/rent, utilities, property taxes, furniture, etc. etc.

But if more people lived together, even if they weren’t related (friends) and you had more incomes per household, you could afford to live much better.  It’s one solution…

How many incomes in your house?


Only one income, but until recently we were a 3 generation household. It was a great thing while it lasted, but time tends to alter those situations.


Interesting that you brought this up. I just read about a non-traditional “family” of friends and their children who are facing a cease and desist order from the city of Hartford. The city has a zoning law that says only two non-related people can live in the same house. Totally ridiculous!

You can read about it here:

Rob Videon

This is a concept worth promoting! How many homes were lost because 1 income could not sustain durring difficult financial times! How many elderly people have large homes where they only live in 1 or 2 rooms. The challenge is for non family members to learn to get along with each other and our differences! How many people could live a bette quality of life unified instead of separate? Thought provoking!


It is important that we never forget our history. It was only as far back as 1977, when the Ohio city of East Cleveland attempted to define a ‘nuclear family’ for the purposes of those who could, and could not, live together. This was an attempt to keep a grandmother from living with her adult child and grandchildren. Thank God for the U.S. Supreme Court.

Moore v. City of East Cleveland 431 U.S. 494 (1977)

James Meehan

They call it house hacking in the real estate blogs. Privacy is the only advantage of not doing it, but privacy is over rated. Just having your own bedroom is more than enough

Eric Jarosz

Hi Larry, I like the idea of the commune mentality with friends and not just family as is more customary. I feel it’s a wonderful way to provide better surroundings by consolidating/sharing bills. If a group of people decide to live together, the challenges that need to be discussed and documented prior to living together are deciding upon ownership, what happens if someone moves, responsibilities, etc.. That way all can remain friends!

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