Working smart – and longer.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

If we take all the time out for eating, coffee, driving, personal phone calls and personal business, socializing online and offline, and other unproductive activities, most people don’t work much – maybe 2-3 hours of productive time in a whole day.  That’s not enough to be in the top 10% or even top 40%.

In this blog, I often talk about how to get more done in the same or less time.  That idea is paramount to this one.  But one strategy that can be used (especially) early in one’s career when you don’t have a lot of other resources to leverage, is to pack more hours that count in a day. I did that, and I still do. People ask me how I get so much done. There’s what you choose to work on, what you don’t do, and what you delegate.  I pay attention to all of those things.  

I’m not advocating workaholism. But to “work all the time you work”, and start a little earlier and end a little later – these habits will multiply the results the average person gets over time.

Combine working smart with working longer and you will get results faster.

Pick your priorities.  If work isn’t the vehicle to your goals, the same ideas can be applied to your hobby or sport or non-profit. Right?

Wayne Woods

Thank you!


Could not have said it any better. Focus is real.

Garrett Miller

As a 29 year old reader of Think Daily I really appreciate this post. Particularly, offering advice that is pertinent “early in one’s career”. I really value advice from those who have found success and personal growth and yet can still remember what it is like to be in the early stages of that journey and what strategies are most useful. Strategies for success seem to shift overtime, especially as we change ourselves. Thanks for the perspective.

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