Why work on you?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

The whole idea of personal development is this – You can not change the world.  You can not change others.  But you can change yourself.  And when you do, your whole world will change.

Work on you and your whole world will change.

Justin Dobson

Larry, I love these and read ’em every day. One of the things I learned a few years ago about myself and how I was running my business was that I was paralyzed.
I was putting so much effort into making the right decisions that I wasn’t making any.
I eventually learned to “fall forward” as I call it.
In other words….make a decision and learn from it. If it was a good one, keep doing it. If it was a bad one, change it again until its right…..But don’t be paralyzed!!!

tim byrne

One person changes and the world changes I always love this Gandhi quote “Be the change you want to see in the world” Thanks Larry Have a great day

Nancie G

Thank you Larry always inspiring.

For a future Think Daily — In the words of Seth Godin — “Go ahead, do something impossible.”

Trevor Jenkins . ( Son of Thunder )

If you demand perfection , you must be able to deliver it.

Cory Crossley

No Shortcuts: My son learned that effort yields desirable results as a member of his high school cross country team. He made great progress during the fall season. What made the difference? He got better at running because he ran (positive mental attitude only goes so far). In fact, he ran hundreds of training miles. All that running wasn’t easy and it usually wasn’t exciting, but he kept at it. In our roles we likely understand that there are activities we need to do to continue to improve. Most of us have heard that there are no shortcuts to success. It’s important to realize why we do what we do, and keep focused on giving proper effort in order to obtain desired results.


The answer to “Why work on it?” is simple, this way we sleep easier because we know we tried.

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