
Larry Janesky: Think Daily

We are all moving in a direction in various parts of our lives; career, personal, financial, health, social…

We can’t go in two directions at once.  If we don’t like where we are headed and want to change direction, we have to make a turn. We have to turn AWAY from something, to turn TOWARDS something else. 

Do you need to make a turn?

sandra weiler

I have a question to pick everyone’s brain.

If we feel our happiness requires the need to make a “U” turn,why can you make “U” turns in some states and not in others or in life? A “U” turn is exactly what I need right now.

The only thing that resonates in my mind is the saying; “You can’t go home again!” So, to all the Think Daily family, which way would you suggest, I TURN?

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