Sit down, think, and write

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Many business owners think that if they sit down by themselves with an empty book and a pen that they aren’t working.  In fact, it’s a high value activity.  

Get a book with no writing in it (also called a journal). Think about what you want your business to be at the end of 2015. Think in vivid detail. Write down your financial goals. Gross and net, and the KPI’s you’ll need to get there (how many leads, sales, avg. sale, etc.)

Write down what changes you will have to make.  What does your business need to get better at?  How will you do that? What additions or changes to your team will you need? What training?  When?  Who will give it?  How will you measure progress?  How will you communicate better with your team? And on and on – everything you’ll need to get to where you want to go.  

Then break it down into priorities.  What’s first?  Second? Third? Then set a timeline for each – intermediate goals.  Now you have a plan to execute.  Stay on it each day.

Bend your dreams into reality with intention, action and discipline. 2015 will be a great year for you.

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