Get out

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

If you don’t think you can work without you physically being at your business, then you probably are working completely IN it, instead of ON it.

Each business and type of business is different, but I find these days that some of the most important work I can be doing I do at my home office.  I can get more done in less time without interruption. And there are certain mental tasks like writing, and analysis that are literally impossible to do, or do well with all my employees and daily activity around me.  

I love being at work and I love my employees, don’t get me wrong.  But my job requires about half of my time to be uninterrupted quiet time at my home office.

How about you? 

Timothy Ferraro

I find that it is almost impossible to work on legacy projects in the office. As much as my staff wants to respect my time, they just cannot seem to keep themselves from interrupting — even on things they have the authority, responsibility, and tools to accomplish — Recently, I have been working from home about 25-30% of the time. — Thanks for the encouragement.

Glo Zielenski

I was just explaining this to my business partner the other day – she prefers to be around others when working and I prefer a bit of solitude – unless the work at hand requires team work. I agree I can get more done from my home office.

Paul Sutton


Even still, it helps to hear the obvious reinforced 🙂

Pete Burgess

Couldn’t have said it better myself


I work on my business after working in the business all day ?
Is that weird? it seems to work for me. I love every aspect of my industry.

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