If you aren’t satisfied, that’s ok; so long as you are willing to change your actions, learn new things, and step out of your comfort zone each day to become the kind of person that attracts what you say you want. Keep your head in the game.
But if you say you want X results, and you just don’t have the willingness, energy or vision to change, that’s a problem. You’ll need to do one of three things –
1) Soul search (shouldn’t take long). Compare alternative lives. Ask yourself if you REALLY want it, and if so, turn the switch on inside you and muster up the desire and courage.
2) Acknowledge that your original goal wasn’t for you and bring it down to a smaller goal you can be happy pursuing.
3) Get out of the way in your organization and let someone else lead it for you.
Whatever way you chose, live on purpose and be happy with it.