Running for high office?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

In today’s world, our best and brightest consider the “doctrine of mutually assured humiliation” before running.  Why put you and your family through such brutal attacks as the other side spins, twists, and outright lies?

True, we need to know what our leaders are all about.  But there are lines that needn’t be crossed if we are to have a hero from the private sector emerge to make a contribution of their talent for the greater good.

What do you think?

Lisa Sullivan

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Why do we hold our “leaders” to a higher standard than we live ourselves? What crosses the line of morality for one doesn’t necessarily cross the line for another. Why do we except imperfections in ourselves but not others? I think we need to get back to basics. One thing that is missing from our society is accountability.

Larry, I would like to hear what you look for in a leader.

Lisa Sullivan

yes I know, it’s accept. Grrrrr

Roger Grundmeier

it would seem in today’s environment that we expect the people in office or running for office to be squeaky clean. But as humans they bring to the office the same human problems that the rest of the population experiences. It just that the media and citizens are not able to overlook what they see in themselves versions the person in office.

Kevin Koval

I think our leaders should be required to have private sector experience. The government should be run as a business. There should be no such thing as a career politician. Most of the founding fathers made their contribution to the country and then went back to their private sector professions or business without collecting a full salary pension for the rest of their lives. When the mud slinging starts, that is an indicator to me that the one slinging the mud is coming up short as a candidate and needs to resort to other tactics to shore up their campaign.

ralph carpinella

I believe the news media in all ways has gotten very one sided and does not care about the man or woman running to save us and our country but to sell news. SMUT SELLS unfortunately..I am 100 % in agreement with u on this Larry


Pete Burgess

Larry, the key is to find a way to decentralize power from Washington back to the states and communities. Human frailties are too susceptible to the fog of corruption that feeds Washington. True heroes are never allowed to surface in the giant cesspool of Washington.


Hi Larry! Mark has thought about running because we need more business owners rather than lawyers running this country and he truly feels he could make a difference. But thinking about what the family would have to endure, you start wondering if it is all worth it? And quite honestly, there are alot of ignorant people out there that has tunnel vision and doesn’t see the whole picture. You can’t fix stupid and unfortunately, they are being brainwashed with media. Those who are “enlightened” see the course that has been laid out. If you choose to run, you would have our vote! Have a great day! 🙂


especially when a person has so much to hide. Right Larry?


I believe that as long as you are a democrate and fit the media mold your past will never haunt you. Should you choose to run as a fiscial concervative something as small as a speeding ticket will be plastered on the front page. Our most recent election here in Indiana produced a Governor who refused to run a negative campaign, he choose instead to focus on the issues at hand. I believe all candidates deserve some vetting, however what they believe now, and where they stand on the issues before us now are far more important then mistakes made in their distant past.

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