Should you support gay rights?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Ask yourself this question – Do you believe that we should discriminate against any minority?  If you were the minority, would you want to be discriminated against?  Do you believe in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States?  And finally, do you love your freedom?

There’s your answer.



Wow. How far down the list of moral distinctions will go down and approve of under the banner of constitutional rights? If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything. Don’t confuse rights and personal choices.

Clint Cooper

Every choice that we ever make comes with a definite consequence. The very nature of choosing will be to include one thing and to exclude another. The constitutionality of your quetions, challenges our faith in a declarative authority (our founding doctrines), to defend all views equally and without impunity. This unique belief in equality for all men has in the past, and will now and always require our communities to admit prejudice and preference. However it will also clarify the reality that each must be willing to sacrifice some personal freedoms, to be limited- not in belief, but in expression. One can disagree with the presidential policy, but none may threaten him verbally, as such will require incarceration.


Never commmented before but had to say, right on with your comment on gay rights.


Well, I applaud your being bold and trying to tackle a tough problem. The answer isn’t in the Declaration of Independence or the constitution though. The answer is in your heart.

Larry's Aunt Donna

Good for you Larry. One of my Unitarian principals is to believe in the worth and dignity of every person. We welcome diversity, be it ethnicity, beliefs, national origin, color of your skin, or who you love.

Pete Burgess

Larry, be bold, otherwise you will rue the lost opportunity to share the fruits of your wisdom. Political correctness is an excuse for cowardice. Always be respectful, but never be afraid of the truth.

Rob Videon

I am commanded to Love by Jesus Christ. There is nothing greater! To Love means to see beyond ones choices and see the eternal worth of the person. For me to truly Love someone is to alow God to be their judge! Not me! This is hard for me because I and everyone I know struggles with a corrupt mind. We are naturally drawn toward choices that pull us away from God and His free life. Our government and it’s laws are not true freedom. True freedom does not come from more rights or more laws but in loving Jesus and loving one another. In short, this life is short and beyond the laws and rights. God wants you to know He Love’s you & sent His son Jesus to save you. Why not get close to Jesus and then answer these questions?!

Bill Simone

TO discriminate is a form of hate which is against God… and His love

To tolerate without correction is also against God… and His law

We have God-Given Inalienable Rights according to our founders who framed the documents around God and His Word however; Biblical teachings result in protection for differences of opinion on religious issues, secularists demand conformity of belief and practice to their own secular standards; they are especially intolerant of any differences that stem from Biblical faith.
One will have to give up their freedom.
Tolerating and discriminating are very different

Stan Lake

Firstly, the word discriminate and discrimination have been given a bad connotation by the left. Making a distinction or differentiation between two or more things is done every day. Is there not discrimination done when a person is turned down for an engineering job because he has no degree? Don’t we discriminate against pedophiles by not allowing them to be grade school teachers? Remember, homosexuality used to be considered a mental illness until it was VOTED to be changed by the American Psychiatric Association. No scientific basis, simply political correctness but it doesn’t mean they are right. The “right” you speak of, specifically marriage, predates our country and you apparently trust the men and women who have systematically been destroying the foundation and fabric of our society to know better than the thousands of years of thinking men before them? There’s my answer.

Jacques Bouchard

Gay marriage is legal in all 50 states right now. No SWAT team or riot force of police is going to break down the doors of a church because a homosexual marriage is taking place there. The problem is that marriage — a religious joining — has been made a legal issue, which is unconstitutional. We can absolve this issue by making all marriages, legally, civil unions, and leave it to the churches to figure out. If your church doesn’t want to marry anyone for any reason, that’s their prerogative, and no one should try to change that. But all we’re doing, legally, is making the lives of homosexuals more difficult. It’s not stopping, and it’s not helping.

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