Most business owners are willing to work hard – show up early, do what it takes, and work late. But it’s the intellectual labor that will make us successful or not; learning, thinking, positioning, evaluating, making the right decisions.
It’s the emotional labor that makes it difficult and drains us. If we process what’s happening as “I’m suffering”, “This is hard”, and have feelings of self doubt, we will experience a struggle. These are all self generated emotions as we process what’s happening at work against expectations or conflicting goals that we made up.
If we take the emotional labor out by understanding that everything is as it should be for us so far, it’s going to be ok, and we stop suffering over it each day, we can put all that emotional energy into intellectual work.
Get your head straight and enjoy the the ride.
This could be your best post yet.I have emailed this to some of my business owner freinds.I will resend to my Dad and brother who recieve Think Daily so they reads it twice.