Businesses will save the world

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

In the poorest countries or counties, what you notice is a distinct lack of successful businesses.

Businesses lift humanity out of poverty – and businesspeople are to credit.

Pete Burgess

But Larry, the sages in Washington seem to disagree. They claim they have a responsibility to increase employment, to make life easier for people; basically provide for those who cannot provide for themselves or who do not WANT to provide for themselves. They say business is dirty, sloppy, cruel and greedy. Larry, I think you’re confused. Poor countries and counties are what’s left in the wake of avaricious business and greedy capitalists. Businesses that have been mortally wounded by well intended government regulations and taxation also leave behind a trail of sorrow that government can then swoop in and “fix.” Anyway, Larry, I think you need to be re-educated in one of our finer government schools to get your head straight.

Jane Miller

How can we teach this to our youth? It seems as if the culture is not supporting this message, in our schools, our institutions, anywhere…What can we, who understand this, do to spread the word to the leaders of the future?

Blair Scoresby

Couldn’t agree more. Besides, who creates jobs? Where unemployment is high, business is not encouraged or overly controlled and/or manipulated by government. If there were no businesses, there would be no government jobs either. Who would be paying taxes?

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