Keeping freedom in our markets

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

We are all participants in business and the marketplace – as leaders, employees and consumers. 

We must ask, do we want coercion or consent in our marketplace?  Do we want top-down order and regulation, or spontaneous order generated by voluntary exchanges under a rule of law?

In the end, protectionist policies, barriers to entry, and over-regulation are constrictions on marketplace liberties – and since we ARE the market, they are constrictions on our personal liberties.

Freedom and liberty aren’t just things we read about in forth and fifth grade history class.  The fight for them is unfolding each day around us by elected officials, boards, and committees everywhere – some wanting to sacrifice pieces of it in the name of (insert name of a cause that seems to sound pretty good to most people here), and others seeing that it needs to be protected.

How do you feel about it?



I haven’t read a more true statement than the last paragraph in some time.

It seems to be the norm and not the exception that we are no longer fighting for our freedoms; we instead freely give back what our forefathers risked their life and limb securing for us.

Why do we no longer fight for our freedom? Do we think that since we won it once, it’s ours to waste?

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