Tell me, exactly, right now – what is wrong with your business?
If you struggle with the answer, then work on observing.
To set things right, you have to see things right.
timothy Garrett
6 years ago
I am being overwhelmed by my day job! I have some really great products but it`s taking me way to long to get them out there running my business evenings and weekends. Frustrating!
Bob Ligmanowski
6 years ago
Tim….your answer to solve your problem ( I have the same, but found a way to fix it) SOE ! Don’t wait and you can call me if you want to talk
Bob L
I am being overwhelmed by my day job! I have some really great products but it`s taking me way to long to get them out there running my business evenings and weekends. Frustrating!
Tim….your answer to solve your problem ( I have the same, but found a way to fix it) SOE ! Don’t wait and you can call me if you want to talk
Bob L