Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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Today's Think Daily Message

Positive energy

A person's positive energy increases as they create value because the pressure is siphoned off. We all have pressure to do good, perform, provide, and be respected. As we get to be really good at something that serves others, the gnawing of those needs gives way to satisfaction, self-esteem, and…


Honor - What a word! "On my honor..." To me, the word honor means a lot.  If you are to have your honor, then you- Must keep your promises. Must be trustworthy - even when nobody is looking. Must do your job well. Must live up to your obligations and…

For a better tomorrow, do this…

If I did not do the right thing yesterday, last week, and last month, I am going to have troubles today.   If I didn't do the right thing yesterday, I wouldn't be healthy and feeling well, people aren't going to want to work with me, I'll have money troubles and…

Create Energy and Momentum

Not feeling it today?  Don't have the motivation to do what needs to be done? The highest performers don't wait until they "feel like it" to act. They act, whether they feel like it or not.   Once you start, you are moving your body - your involved. Then it's much…

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Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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